The Beverly Hills Hotel aka The Pink Palace
Karl Gerber
January 1, 2023

The Beverly Hills Hotel aka The Pink Palace. The original portions of the hotel were completed in 1912 by a Pasadena architect. Paul Williams, a very important Los Angeles black architect, added onto the hotel in the 1940s.
Burton Green (as in Burton Way) built the Beverly Hills Hotel in order to lure sickly retirees outwest in order to sell them lots in his Beverly Hills. His plan was to transform bean fields into residential lots. Perhaps in recognition he was engaging in a land sale of farmland he named the city Beverly Hills after Beverly Farms in Massachusetts.
Howard Hughes continuously rented numerous bungalows from at least the 1940s to the 1960s. He sometimes lived in one, later housed some of his Mormon staff in others, kept some empty, and always had a car ready in the parking lot but never used it.
The color picture is a one cent postcard. Its colors and other features indicate the postcard is pre-1930. It is extremely rare, and at this time is not posted elsewhere.
Pink Palace Revisited is a 1993 book about the Beverly Hills Hotel. Somebody like me is always appreciative of an entire book written about one Los Angeles subject or site. I recommend this particular read.