Was Dwight V. Babcock, a major Black Mask writer, Dashiell Hammett's ghost writer? Read about the mystery, and see pictures of his period Studio City home in the this article. You can also see a snippet from Legend of the Lizard People a retro noir tale set in 1939 Los Angeles. #pulpfiction #DashiellHammett #BlackMask
I am often asked to perform historic research relating to Los Angeles. My most recent assignment is information on Hiram Green Redwine, Esq. who built an art deco building at 1618 N. Las Palmas. In a half hour’s time here is what I found: Born in Kentucky approximately 1870. Married Olivia. Admitted to the California Bar August 1910. State Bar Number 3302 (mine is 166003). Possibly died in Costa Mesa, California. Date of death 1963. Granddaughter Olivia died 1978. Most famous case, but entire firm is listed as counsel, is Spaulding v. O’Connor, 87 Cal.App. 82 (1927). He represented Ona W. Spaulding executrix to Herbert G. Spaulding. Yes, this is the man a street was named after. Herbert did not realize the lot real estate brokers sold him was 40 feet too short until March 23, 1923. His estate won a fraud judgment for $4,545.00 the Redwine firm managed to keep after appeals including an unsuccessful one to the California Supreme Court. In 1929 Hiram is listed in the Los Angeles phone directory as practicing at Redwine & Redwine consisting of Hiram G., Donald Macab Redwine, and Gwyn J. Redwine (SBN 5070 issued October 1926) located at 357 South Hill in the Black Building 715-719; Telephone MUTual2197. In 1929 Hiram’s residence was 1414 North Genesse. In 1940 Hiram still lived at this address.
On November 23, 1937 a Bakersfield newspaper reports Hiram Redwine was one of many nominees by the governor for the Los Angeles Superior Court.
Donald Redwine (state bar number 1336), who died in Sherman Oaks, appeared to be the more prolific lawyer. Besides criminal law he also practiced personal injury defense, including the unsuccessful plea for contributory negligence against a plaintiff injured by a motorbus.
Hiram’s son, Kent Hyram Redwine was admitted to practice in September of 1921. A number of other family members were California lawyers. Other Redwines appear on the roster of California attorneys as follows and will be contacted:
Redwine, Alexandra Byrd Active 255283 San Francisco March 2008
Redwine, Donald MacNab Deceased 1336 Sherman Oaks September 1921
Redwine, Earl Deceased 5103 Riverside September 1921
Redwine, G. E Deceased 951 Ukiah July 1910
Redwine, Gwyn Stanton Deceased 5070 Santa Monica October 1926
Redwine, Hiram G. Deceased 3302 Costa Mesa August 1910
Redwine, James Michael Active 101244 Lancaster December 1981
Redwine, Kent Hyram Deceased 4314 Rancho Mirage September 1921
#HiramRedwine #LosAngelesLawyers #LosAngelesHistory