I Am Depressed Because I Lost My Job

My job was my life. My career was the bane of my existence. Now that I lost my job it is hard to get out of bed. I roll out of bed late, and can’t think about business. I lack all energy; energy to look for work, energy to get dressed, energy to think about making a call until after ten in the morning. I don’t leave my house. I don’t have any money now that I lost my job, I am not motivated, and everything embarrasses me.

Employment Lawyer For Depression and Anxiety

I am afraid to file for unemployment. I am afraid my previous employer will say bad things about me. They will further criticize my performance; make up lies to justify my termination of employment. My termination of employment was unfair, arbitrary. Downright discriminatory! If only I could find somebody to help me with my legal problems. I daydream about a lawyer in a suit rushing in on a unicorn, suing my damn ex-employer, and taking a huge weight off my shoulders. Such a lawyer would expose all of the injustices my employer exposed me to.

If you happend to still be employed but are going through lots of stress at work, please read my article on Workplace Stress.

I put so much into the company. I gave them my life. The best years of my life. I scarified everything for my job. My employer didn’t pay me enough for all the work I gave them. My employer turned around and fired me. They fired me when I was down. They fired me for unjust reasons.

I will never find such a high paying job again. There are not any other employers in town I can go to. What if my old boss says bad things about me? If I file for unemployment maybe they will make up more lies about my bad job performance.

Just thinking about my termination of employment gives me a headache. My stomach quivers at the thought of looking for another job, being fired from a job once again. What if I can’t get a job because I will get a bad reference?

I am embarrassed to talk to anybody from my old job. I used to be friends with everybody. Some of my former coworkers are supporting my employers made up, unlawful decision to fire me without legitimate cause. My friends know people who still work there. They have probably heard my supervisor accused me of bad work performance. I am so embarrassed. Everybody thinks I am a moron, somebody who can’t do their job, somebody who should be fired without notice. All the more reason for not leaving my house.

My old supervisor walked me out. Everybody saw me get walked out. They had a security guard escort me out of the building and to the parking lot. They watched me get into my car. They insinuated it was taking too long for me to get into my car and leave the work parking lot. I am so ashamed. What can I tell my children? I can’t tell them I was fired from my job; that it might be discrimination.

Prospective wrongful termination clients:

In 20 years of representing thousands of employees I have heard all of the above from my clients. You are not alone if you are feeling depressed because you were improperly terminated from a job. I have helped more than 1,500 wrongfully terminated employees find a sense of justice. My wrongfully terminated, often depressed clients’ problems have become my problems. Their problems are what I fight for, what prevents me from sleeping, what makes me wake up during the middle of the night and write a note, what makes me advance costs to fund their cases. I am here to fight for your labor rights, to rewrite the social injustice of your wrongful termination.

Filing an employment termination lawsuit may help restore your faith in society. Challenging the moronic managers and supervisors who perpetually accused you of doing a bad job as a mask for their illegal motive for firing you might be a cathartic experience for you. Better off, what if you win your wrongful termination case? How will that make you feel?

Do not stand back and be a sucker for your former employer’s unlawful treatment towards you. Call me at 1-877-525-0700 and let me see if I can help you obtain justice, help you feel better about yourself, help you recover damages for the horror and torment your employer put you through, help you recover money for the economic losses your employer caused by wrongfully terminating you. Let me defend the false accusations your employer has made up to justify your unlawful termination. Let me get you paid for the wrongs your employer put you through!

Here are some examples of the results I have obtained for wronged employees in the recent past:

  1. $135,000 for a Thousand Oaks aerospace whistleblower
  2. $115,000 for a Woodland Hills nursing professional wrongfully accused of falsification
  3. $225,000 for a Van Nuys woman forced to quit due to sexual harassment by customers
  4. $150,000 for a Camarillo woman retaliated against and demoted for complaining of sexual harassment
  5. $300,000 in a post-trial settlement in which the jury found wrongful termination, wage Violations, and punitive damages against a supermarket
  6. $175,000 for an executive who blew the whistle on financial fraud

Hire my law firm and receive quality representation by labor lawyers who have been in the business of representing employees on a contingency for years, who never charge anything up front. We have offices in downtown Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks, Oxnard, Bakersfield, Riverside, Tustin, Boston, San Jose, San Francisco, and Diego because we are good; because employees all over California want to hire us. Call 1-877-525-0700 to talk to a real labor law firm. Don’t be shy and send an e-mail. Let my firm get to the bottom of your case while you are on the telephone.

Karl Gerber, the firm founder, is licensed in California, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and Texas. One of our associates is also licensed in Maryland.