Sexual harassment is a caustic workplace event. Workplace sexual harassment is demoralizing to the victim of sexual harassment. It is embarrassing for managers and supervisors of the sexual harassment, and typically the employee who is involved in the sexual harassment investigation. A healthy workplace requires employees to be able to openly communicate and not be afraid of each other. Once sexual harassment has occurred, the dynamic changes. The victim of sexual harassment no longer feels comfortable. The Harasser is angry he or she has been called out for their conduct. Many times harassers become defensive towards those who accused them and the investigators of the sexual harassment. Retaliation is also a common issue related to sexual harassment. The retaliation may be real, or it may be imagined.
Fears of retaliation, embarrassment, and the uneasiness of having to work at the same place discourages many sexual harassment victims from complaining. However, if the victim fails to report coworker sexual harassment in most cases the company is not liable for the sexual harassment. Only if somebody else complained about the same coworker’s conduct might the company be liable for a non-supervisor or manager’s sexual harassment. On the brighter side of things, a lot of sexual harassment does stop once the victim complains.
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If you are unsure what to do about Workplace Sexual Harassment you Experienced
Many of the most egregious sexual harassment cases involve actual touching which is a battery. Supervisors leaning over and coming very close to a woman who is at her computer might be assault if the woman fears the supervisor will touch her. Victims of sexual harassment need to be less concerned about putting legal labels on the type of conduct that happened to them. It is more important that victims of sexual harassment contact an experienced sexual harassment lawyer and let the sexual harassment attorney figure out how to proceed. All too often victims of serious workplace abuses spend much too long trying to figure out their rights, or reading legally related internet topics.
If you think you were the subject of Sexual Harassment at Work
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An experienced sexual harassment lawyer can advise you whether you should file a police report. Although the police rarely do anything about workplace assaults and batteries the failure to file a police report in a case involving serious sexual assault or battery raises questions whose answers do not favor the employee. Persons who might decide the case such as a juror, judge, arbitrator, and even representatives of the employer or an insurance company may have trouble understanding why somebody did not file a police report if they were raped, their breasts were touched, or their buttocks was slapped for months on end. Battery involves actual touching. Sexual battery involves the touching of an intimate sexual organ such as one’s breasts, buttocks, or genitals. Cases involving these types of touching demand proper legal advice by an experienced sexual harassment lawyer.
Let’s be realistic about the role of a civil sexual harassment lawyer. Besides being advocates, civil sexual harassment lawyers are a huge ally of the sexual harassment victim. Although it might not always seem like it, decent sexual harassment lawyers are there to help. Experienced sexual harassment lawyers must help their clients understand how their cases will be evaluated by others. Civil sexual harassment lawyers are not licensed therapists. It is important that a victim of serious sexual harassment seek proper mental health services. Sexual harassment can be a traumatic event that causes anxiety, depression and various manifestations of those conditions. Failing to help get better through the use of a therapist, or in the most serious situations a psychiatrist presents a situation in which the employer will argue the employee may have been sexually harassed, but they failed to properly mitigate their damages.
Sexual harassment lawyers work on a contingency. This means they are only paid when and if money is collected from the employer. The dedication of an experienced sexual harassment lawyer is important. They are on your side. Victims of sexual harassment need to listen to their sexual harassment attorneys. The experiences of an experienced sexual harassment lawyer are of great value to the victim of sexual harassment.
Modern day sexual harassment lawyers will want to see any text messages between you and the sexual harasser. They will also want you to think about all of the acts of sexual harassment that occurred so they can properly evaluate your potential sexual harassment lawsuit. Although sexual harassment victims rarely take notes as to how many times each uncomfortable event took place, and they rarely can identify the exact date an act of sexual harassment occurred it is helpful for the employee to have a rough idea of when the sexual harassment occurred and if a certain event occurred more than once.
The Employment Lawyers Group has handled sexual harassment lawsuits for many years. We have represented men, women, and persons transitioning. We have obtained considerable success in verbal sexual harassment cases and physical sexual harassment cases. Our sexual harassment case results include:
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