Employment law refers to the legal practice area of workplace rights. Work rights violations, in employment law, include wrongful termination, other legal remedies for unlawful discharge, sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, and wage and hour issues for unpaid wages. Our wrongful termination lawyers have recovered more than $100,000,000 for employees.
Call 1-877-525-0700 for a private consultation with an experienced employment law attorney
Employment laws come from California cases and statutes. The practice area encompasses legal actions employees can bring in civil court, usually state court, against their employers. These cases are usually brought in state court because California employee laws are generally more favorable than Federal Employment Laws and so are California courts. Our California employment attorneys do have experience in Federal Employment Law.
BREACH OF EMPLOYEE CONTRACTS – written, oral, or implied. Typical breach of employee contracts involves employees terminated from their jobs before the expiration of their employment contracts. Employment contract breaches also involve unpaid bonuses and commissions not properly paid, or grants of stock options employers do not follow through with.
EMPLOYEE DISCRIMINATION LAWSUITS – are brought for age discrimination, disability discrimination, genetic discrimination, gender discrimination (including unequal pay), military status discrimination, national origin discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, race discrimination, religious discrimination, and sexual orientation discrimination, and veteran status discrimination. Employee discrimination lawsuits also include violations of the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Leave Act (CFRA). Workplace discrimination lawsuits may involve the loss of a job, retaliation, or years of discrimination at work.
EMPLOYEE HARASSMENT LAWSUITS – Involve workplace harassment due to a protected characteristic, usually of an employee. These are the same characteristics employers cannot discriminate against. Workplace harassment lawsuits include racial harassment (also sometimes known as ancestry harassment, or national origin harassment), pregnancy harassment, and sexual harassment (including verbal sexual harassment and physical sexual harassment). Workplace harassment under FEHA (an important employment law) must be done by a person of authority, or must continue after a complaint to a person of authority. The law is different for general employment harassment which falls into the category of workers compensation.
Our Los Angeles employment attorneys have handled many sexual harassment and racial harassment cases. The employees we have represented in these workplace harassment lawsuits have been employed in all industries from minimum wage restaurant workers to highly educated executives and professionals.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT – May be sued for if the harassment was done by a supervisor or manager regardless of whether it stopped after the employee complained. There are straight sexual harassment cases only involving legal violations for the sexually harassing acts, and there are sexual harassment lawsuits that involve other legal violations. If sexual harassment led to an employment termination the lawsuit will include a legal theory for wrongful termination. Other sexual harassment lawsuits only involve retaliation, but not termination of employment. Firm founder, Karl Gerber was first quoted as an expert in sexual harassment, by the main legal newspaper in California, more than 10 years ago.
UNPAID WAGES – Lawsuits for unpaid wages may be brought individually or as a group in a class action. For more complete information about unpaid wage lawsuits, unpaid wages include commissions, double time, employees misclassified as exempt and not entitled to wage and hour benefits, improper classifications of employees as independent contractors, late payment of wages, meal breaks, minimum wage, no payment of a certain wage especially once the job ends, overtime, paystub errors, prevailing wages, rest breaks, stock options, and any unpaid wages whether it was promised or worked. While this list may sound long there are even more examples of employee unpaid wage issues you can consult our wage lawyers on at 1-877-525-0700. Unpaid wage lawsuits may involve many different California Labor Code penalties for which employees can recover fines, penalties, and compensatory pay from their employers. Our labor lawyers accept unpaid wage lawsuits on behalf of individual employees and groups of employees. Group efforts to obtain unpaid wages are called Class Actions, Labor Code Section 2699 representative actions, or mere group filings for unpaid wages.
WRONGFUL TERMINATION – Occurs when an employee is terminated in an illegal manner. Job terminations that are discriminatory are wrongful termination. Whistleblowers who are fired from their jobs for making their whistleblower complaints can sue for wrongful termination. Our wrongful termination lawyers have handled a wide variety of different wrongful termination lawsuits. We have also successfully represented many employees who were forced to quit their jobs due to intolerable working conditions.
Many of our wrongful termination lawsuits in California involve unlawful discharges of terminations from jobs in aerospace, finance, healthcare, hotels, manufacturing, the oil industry, restaurants, security, and warehouses. Whistle blowing about unsafe worksite practices is serious. Our wrongful termination lawyers have considerable experience litigating California wrongful termination cases. There are a few additional things you should know about our employment law firm. We only represent employees. All of our employee lawsuits are taken on a contingency which means we are only paid when and if we collect money from the employer. All of our staff lawyers are experienced employment lawyers who have worked for Mr. Gerber for years.
CALL 877-525-0700 to speak to an experienced California employment attorney.