Multiple studies have concluded a large number of men and women have been sexually harassed by the time they are 17. One study claims by the time they became teenagers 81% of all women have been sexually harassed, and 43% of all men have been sexually harassed. One study concluded 85% of all women workers have been sexually harassed. The most prevalent type of sexual harassment is unwanted touching which 51% of the women who were sexually harassed experienced. Online sexual harassment is an alarming, growing statistic with 41% of all women sexually harassed online and 22% of men have been sexually harassed online.
Karl Gerber, a renown sexual harassment lawyer and radio commentator on sexual harassment, did some number crunching of his own. He concluded the economic costs of sexual harassment, just for Fortune 500 companies, exceeds 1 billion a year merely to pay their lawyers to defend sexual harassment lawsuits.
The emotional consequences to the victims of sexual harassment are often devastating. The consequences for the harassers might be the end of a career. Knowing what sexual harassment is, and how to avoid it is of paramount importance.
Employees, supervisors, business owners, and persons who plan to be in the future need to understand what sexual harassment is. Sexual harassment is not merely asking somebody out on a date, or touching them. It can involve graphic images, text messages, quid pro quo this for that requests for sex. Sexual harassment does not have to be sexually motivated in California. It must merely relate to sex.
Sexual harassers are usually repeat harassers. In Gerber’s experience, representing hundreds of victims of sexual harassment, he has concluded that sexual harassers know how to find their victims. Sexual harassers find victims they believe will not talk. Even worse, sexual harassers focus on victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Sexual harassment can occur between people of the same sexual orientation, between people of different sexual orientations, or no sexual orientation. Sexual harassment does not have to between men and women. For example, sexual harassment can be between a woman and an asexual robot costume actor. Yes, it can. Many cases of sexual harassment involve straight men harassing lesbians, or gay individuals harassing non-gays.
Sexual harassment can be either verbal or physical. It must be either severe or pervasive. Pervasive means it happened numerous times without gaps of a year between the acts. Severe means the acts are very uncomfortable, offensive, or unconsented to. For example, merely telling somebody you like the color of their blouse is not severe. A harasser telling the victim her blouse sexually arouses him is offensive and is therefore severe. Sexual harassment has to be offensive to a reasonable person in the position of the victim. What is harassing to a mature man might not be the same thing as a young woman who has never had a boyfriend.
Employers are only liable for sexual harassment done by a non-supervisor if additional acts of sexual harassment occur after a supervisor or higher level employee is aware of the sexually harassing conduct. If a prior victim of the harasser complained about the sexual harassment earlier to a supervisor or higher level employee the employer might be liable if the harassment was done by a mere coworker.
Companies are strictly liable (liable without prior and advanced knowledge) if the sexual harassment is done by a supervisor or higher level employee. The term supervisor is somewhat loosely defined. Leads who direct the flow of the operation and assign work to employees may be deemed supervisors.
Bizarre work environments with cosplay, and vulgar settings can invite sexual harassment. For example, serving sushi on a scantily clad woman is never a good idea in the California workplace. A defense this is what happens in this industry is not a good one. The sexual harassment lawyer representing the employee will rip that theory apart.
Many instances of sexual harassment can be avoided by properly complaining. The problem is far too many employees are either unaware who to complain to, or too scared to complain. Our sexual harassment lawyers have seen some situations of sexual harassment stop after proper complaints about the sexual harassment are made. However, many companies are not responsive to complaints of sexual harassment. Some employers are too small or petty to effectively deal with the problem. Additionally, many companies underestimate the emotional problems the sexual harassment has caused. Those companies try to minimize the situation, or force people to work together who should not.
Companies with more than 50 employees are required to give sexual harassment trainings to their supervisors and higher level employees. Many of these trainings are now online. They are boring. A lot of people do not pay attention to these trainings. Instead, they are on their phones playing tick tack toe, or streaming old episodes of Karl Gerber, Workplace Lawyer on https://workplacelawyer.org/pastepisodes/. When witnesses are asked if they receive sexual harassment training they often say no because the trainings were so unmemorable.
Sexual harassment can be avoided by firmly saying no. Responding to a text message asking for revealing pictures by thanking the harasser for something, or asking for his recipe for coleslaw does not send a clear message. Being firm you do not like the conduct, and complaining is the best thing to do.
Offices throughout California including Bakersfield, Gardena, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Sherman Oaks, and Tustin